Highlight Game Video Preseason14 Spread Strategy7 months ago-Arena Ball🏐! Play in your browser! Track action from Preseason game #14 Carbonite attempts to spread high value balls early in game, and loses track of where they spread. Loses time in finding them, and then misses some key shots. …
ZanteusWorld Releases My Profile Page7 months ago-Zanteus.World 2024 July (Earth) The Realm has released a new utility feature for ZanteusWorld in the form of The My Profile Page. The My Profile Page shows the Zanteus user's Xpoints and $Zant coins along with other important user profile…
Zant Coin Pool on MinSwap7 months ago-Zanteus.World 2024 July (Earth) The $Zant/Ada Liquidity Pool has been setup on MinSwap.org and trading is live. This is an educational announcement and not financial advice - always do your own research. (Snapshot above as of July18.) Look for the…
Highlight Video Clip from Arena Ball Preseason Game8 months ago-Arena Ball🏐! Play in your browser! Track action from Preseason games Carbonite first scoring a blue ball with ease, and then chasing down a high-score yellow ball and finally sink it in a back wall goal. See video on X.com…
Arena Ball v0.6.528.1.1 Beta Released8 months ago-Arena Ball 🏐 Play in the Browser! Version 0.7.528.1.1 Beta has just been released improving the stability of the webgame app and introducing some exciting features planned for Season1! This release coincides with the signing of Carbonite Avatar as the…
Press Conference Carbonite Signing Season1 Arena Ball8 months ago-Press Conference PreSeason1 Carbonite Signing Arena Ball🏐! Guild First Official Charger Producer (offstage): Nft link at end. We can begin. Press: Carbonite, first off congrats for the signing as the first Official Arena Ball Charger! Carbonite smiles, sort of. Golden…
Arena Ball v0.6.519.1.2 Beta Released9 months ago-Arena Ball 🏐 Play in the Browser! Version 0.6.519.1.2 Beta has just been released and it's the best version of Arena Ball yet! Our hero avatar, Carbonite, as a "new grip on life" with a smaller more versatile paddle and…
The Elder Created Zanteus11 months ago-Forged from the bronze mines of Tuscany, the Elder Crypteus created the great hero Zanteus to erect the Realm and launch the Warrior Age. Spanning a millennium on Earth, the Zanteus epoch marks the time of Elder's genesis of Zanteus…